Copy the result
1234567890 Ten Hundred thousand million billion Yuan
One Two Three 4 WOO Luk Seven Eight Nine Zero ten (10) hundred Thousand million billion Round

History of Capitalization of Chinese Numbers

Capitalization of numbers began in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang issued a decree because of a major embezzlement case at the time, the Guo Huan case, which explicitly required that the numbers in the bookkeeping must be changed from "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1,000" to "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1,000", Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten, one hundred, one thousand" to "one, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one hundred, one thousand" and other complex Chinese characters to increase the difficulty of altering the books. Later, the characters "陌" and "阡" were rewritten as "百、仟" and have been used until now.

Common Capitalization of Numbers

Amounts Capitalized Numbers Numeric Amounts Capitalized Numbers Numeric Amounts Upper case numbers Numeric Amounts Upper case numbers Numeric Amounts Upper case numbers
0 Zero dollars1 One Yuan2 Two dollars3 Three dollars4 Three dollars
5 Five dollars6 Sixty-four dollars7 Seven dollars8 Eight dollars9 Nine dollars
10 One ten whole dollars11 One hundred and ten dollars12 One hundred and two dollars13 One hundred and thirty dollars14 One hundred and forty dollars
15 One hundred and fifty dollars16 One hundred and sixty dollars17 One hundred and seventeen dollars18 One hundred and eighty dollars19 One hundred and ninety dollars
20 Two hundred dollars30 Three hundred yuan40 One hundred and forty dollars50 Five hundred yuan60 Sixty-fourths of a dollar
70 Seven hundred yuan80 Eight hundred yuan90 Nine hundred dollars100 One hundred yuan200 Two hundred dollars
300 Three hundred yuan400 Four hundred yuan500 Five hundred yuan600 Six hundred yuan700 Seven hundred yuan
800 Eight hundred yuan900 Nine hundred yuan1000 One thousand yuan2000 Two Thousand Yuan3000 Three Thousand Yuan
4000 Four thousand yuan5000 Five thousand yuan6000 6,000 Yuan7000 Seven Thousand Yuan8000 Eight thousand yuan
9000 Nine thousand yuan10000 Ten thousand yuan20000 20,000 Yuan30000 Three hundred thousand yuan40000 RMB 40,000
50000 50,000 Yuan60000 One hundred thousand yuan0.1 Ten cents0.2 Twenty cents0.3 Thirty cents
0.4 Four corners0.5 50 cents0.6 Land0.7 Seven cents.0.8 Eighty cents
0.9 Nine cents1.1 One dollar and ten cents1.2 One dollar and two cents1.3 One dollar and thirty cents1.4 One dollar and forty cents
1.5 One dollar fifty cents1.6 One dollar ten cents1.7 One dollar and seventy cents1.8 One dollar and eighty cents1.9 One Yuan Nine Cents

Note on capitalized RMB figures
Chinese uppercase figures should be filled out in block letters or in running script, such as one (one), two (two), three, four (four), five (five), six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand (ten thousand), hundred million, hundred million, yuan, corner, minute, zero, whole (positive) and other characters. It shall not be filled in with one, two (two), three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, nian, mao, another (or 0), and shall not create its own simplified characters. If the amount of digital writing in the use of traditional Chinese characters, such as two, land, billion, million, round, should also be accepted.

I. Chinese uppercase amount figures to "yuan" until the "yuan", after the "yuan", should write "whole" (or "positive") words, in the "corner" after the "whole" (or "positive") words can be not written. Upper-case amount of figures with "points", "points" is not written after the "whole" (or "positive") words.

Second, the Chinese capital amount of figures should be marked before the word "RMB", capital amount of figures with "points", "points" is not written after the "whole" (or "positive") words.

Third, the Chinese uppercase amount of figures should be marked before the word "RMB", the uppercase amount of figures should be filled in immediately after the word "RMB", and shall not be left blank. Capitalized amount of figures not printed in front of the word "RMB", should be filled with the word "RMB". In the bills and settlement vouchers in the capital amount column shall not be pre-printed fixed "thousand, hundred, ten thousand, thousand, hundred, ten thousand, yuan, corner, cent" characters.

Fourth, lowercase Arabic numerals in the amount of figures have "0", the Chinese capitalization should be in accordance with the laws of the Chinese language, the amount of digital composition and to prevent alteration of the requirements for writing. Examples are as follows:
1-arabic numerals in the middle of "0", the Chinese capitalization should be written "zero" word, such as ¥ 1409.50, should be written as RMB 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
2-Arabic numerals in the middle of a few consecutive "0", the Chinese capitalization of the amount can be written in the middle of a "zero" word, such as ¥ 6007.14, should be written as CNY 1,000,070,070,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,010,011.
3-Arabic amount of digital ten thousand and yuan is "0", or a few consecutive figures in the middle of the "0", ten thousand, yuan is also "0", but thousands of bits, the corner is not "0", the amount of Chinese capitals can be written only in a zero word, you can not write the word "zero". Such as ¥ 1680.32, should be written as CNY 1,680.32, or written as CNY 1,680.32, or written as CNY 1,680.32, and such as ¥ 107,000.53, should be written as CNY 1,000,700,000 yuan 0.533, or written as CNY 1,000,000 0.533 yuan 0.533.
4-Arabic amount of digital corner is "0", and the sub-position is not "0", the Chinese capital amount of "yuan" should be written after the word "zero". 如¥16409.02,应写成人民币壹万陆仟肆佰零玖元零贰分;又如¥325.04,应写成人民币叁佰贰拾伍元零肆分。

The Origin of Numbers
The first tools humans used to count were their fingers and toes, but they could only represent numbers up to 20. When there were many numbers, most primitive people used small stones to keep count. Gradually, people invented the method of tying knots to keep count, or carving on animal skins, trees or stones to keep count. In ancient China, small sticks made of wood, bamboo or bone were used to keep track of numbers, called counting chips. These counting methods and symbols were slowly transformed into the earliest numerical symbols (digits). Today, Arabic numerals are used as the standard in countries around the world.

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