Whois Search

Whois is simply a database used to check whether a domain name has been registered and the details of the registered domain name (e.g. domain name owner, domain name registrar, domain name registration date and expiration date, etc.). Through the domain name Whois server query, you can query the domain name belongs to the contact information, as well as registration and expiration time, you can use theyours.tools /whois access!

Explanation on the implementation of domain name expiration and deletion rules:

International domain names:

(1) Suspend resolution on the day of expiration, if not renewed in 72 hours, then modify the domain name DNS to point to the advertising page (parked). 30-45 days after expiration is the domain name reservation period (different registrars have different policies for different periods of time).

(2) After the retention period, the domain name will enter the redemption period (REDEMPTIONPERIOD, 30 days).

(3) After the redemption period, the domain name will enter a deletion period of about 5 days, after the deletion period, the domain name is open for anyone to register.

Explanation of domain status: click to view

Domestic domain name:

(1) Suspend resolution on the day of expiration, if not renewed in 72 hours, the domain DNS will be modified to point to the advertisement page (parked). 35 days, can be automatically renewed.

(2) 36-48 days after the expiration date, it will enter a 13-day high redemption period, during which the domain name cannot be managed.

(3) Domain name will be deleted at any time after 48 days after expiry if still not renewed.

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