Legal units of measurement
1 cubic metre (m³) = 1000 litres (liter) = 1000 cubic decimetres (dm³)
1 cubic decimetre (dm³) = 1000 cubic centimetres (cm³)
1 cubic centimetre = 1000 cubic millimetres
British and American Units of Measurement
1 cubic foot (ft) = 0.0283 cubic metres (m3) = 28.317 litres
1 thousand cubic feet (mcf) = 28.317 cubic metres (m3)
1 million cubic feet (MMcf) = 28,317 million cubic metres (m3)
1 billion cubic feet (bcf) = 28,317,000 cubic metres (m3)
1 trillion cubic feet (tcf) = 28,317 million cubic metres (m3)
1 cubic inch (in) = 16.3871 cubic centimetres (cm3)
1 acre-foot (acre-foot) = 1234 cubic metres (m3) 1 barrel (bbl) = 0.159 cubic metres (m3) = 42 US gallons (gal)
1 US gallon (gal) = 3.785 litres (l)
1 US quart (qt) = 0.946 litres (l) 1 US pint (pt) = 0.473 litres (l) 1 US gigar (gi) = 0.118 litres (l)
1 gallon = 4.546 litres
Ancient Chinese Units of Measure
1 stone (dàn) = 10 dou (dǒu)
1 diao (hú) = originally 10 dou, later changed to 5 dou
1 dǒu = 10 litres
1龠(yuè) = 0.5合(gě)
1 litre = 10 hectares (gě)