Base64 online decoding tool

base64 online decoding tool provides you with base64 encoding, base64 online decoding, base64 encryption decryption, encryption of strings in Base64 format, encrypted Base64 online decoding decryption is displayed as plaintext. base64 is a relatively common online encryption algorithm, in the solution of Chinese garbled Chinese, the Chinese encoding can be carried out in different ways. effectively avoid garbled Chinese. This site will not record any of your information, please feel free to use.

Base64 index table

Base64 encoding is the use of 64 printable ASCII characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /) will be any byte sequence of data encoded into ASCII strings, and another "=" symbol used as a suffix.

Numeric Characters Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Characters

Base64 slices the input string by byte, obtains the corresponding binary value of each byte (if less than 8 bits, the high bit is complemented by 0), then connects these binary values in series, and then slices them according to a group of 6 bits (because 2^6=64), and the last group is complemented by 0 if less than 6 bits, then converts the binary value of each group into decimal, and then finds the corresponding symbols in the above table and connects them in series. string together is the result of Base64 encoding.

Base64 can be used to encode the underlying binary data of any data, in order to be used in applications where only ASCII characters can be transmitted. However, it is most commonly used for text data processing and transmission, for example, in MIME format email, Base64 can be used to encode the content of the email, so that it can be easily transmitted between computers of different languages without being messed up, note that it is for transmission, not display, for example, in Western European computers using utf-8 encoding can display Chinese normally (with the corresponding font installed), but it may not be able to transmit Chinese normally, then converting to Base64 will not be a problem. If you convert to Base64, you don't have to worry about this.

Base64 encoding, if not specified, usually agreed that non-ASCII characters are encoded according to the UTF-8 character set.

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